Ma 間 Workshop 2011 ~2017
What exists in the hidden space is more than the thing itself. You may not see the space right away, but may be able to feel it first. This workshop explores conceptual and practical concerns both within and beyond the frame of jewelry making. While exploring various spatial concept related in both Eastern and Western art and culture, students are engaged to peer inside their own spaces through materials and processes.
All types of “space” and "time" - physical, emotional and imaginative, etc are experienced, discussed and shared. Japanese spatial concept of Ma 間 offers an inspirations to seek new boundaries in making from inner side and to activate students’ imagination and cognitive space of curiosity.
About Ma 間
The word ma is a Japanese aesthetic expression that is used extensively in descriptions of all aspects of Japanese life. It is the living breath that measures space and time in Japan. Ma is often seen in between structural parts, spaces, situations or conditions within the established structures. It creates balance and harmony in between those structures that helps you to be aware of things that you don’t normally find. Ma is experienced by sensing. It is often described as emptiness or empty space, but it is much more than just a blank space. The notion of emptiness opens to imaginative possibilities that something may enter to the invisible.
間 Ma とは
私達の気付かないところにも見えない“間”の要素はたくさん存在していて、微かな存在ながらそれは多様なシチュエーションにおいて重要な役割を果たしています。もちろんアートの世界にも影響を与えています。この目に見えない“間”という間隔や空間 を、説明することは可能でしょうか?改めて間の要素を見直し、視覚より触覚を優先させるところからワークショップは始まります。
間のワークショップでは日本人の持つ “間”の概念をコンテンポラリーな角度から追求しながら、東洋と西洋に存在する様々な時や空間の捉え方を軸に、自分とアートとの関係性や創作的思考への繋がりを楽しく分析します。制作においての様々な領域について考えながら、それを基に素材から触発される発想の表現を展開させます。
Ma間-terial workshop
2011 - Casa Petit Comité In Argentina
2013 - Cranbrook Academy of Art in USA
2014 - Orizzonti Arts in Japan
2015 - Musashino Art University in Japan
2016 - Atelier Rudee in Bangkok
2016 - Pratt Art Center in USA
2016 - Casa Petit Comité In Argentina
2017 - Wisconsin Stout art travel collaboration in Tokyo
2017 - TUMO art center ARMINIA